Julian Treasure, whose work I've previously highlighted, recently gave a talk at TED Global in Scotland. His talk, 5 Ways to Listen Better, reminds us of the need to slow down and listen to the people and the world around us. At the end of the talk he provides a simple framework for becoming better listeners. That framework is called RASA. You'll have to listen to his talk to learn about RASA, it will be worth the seven minutes of your time.
GapMinder is an incredible visual presenter tool in order to visually display statistics of large numbers. More incredibly, it's FREE!
The future is here! The resources here are for computer lab environments, classroom workstations, and enhancing your lessons. To navigate different pages, use the SideBar .
Click here to go directly to the Voki site. To learn more about how Voki can be used with your students, click here. You will learn how Shelly Terrell used Voki in her classroom.
Shelly Terrell is a technology teacher trainer, English language teacher, and the Director of Educator Outreach for Parentella. Explore her Teacher Reboot Camp blog for tips on professional development and integrating technology effectively into the curriculum.
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