Using PhotoStory in the Classroom
The best way to make Audacity a part of your class is to have the kids use it. When you are in the lab or classroom, explain a little and let the kids explore with the program by giving them a small project to start out with. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Record student assessments or presentations.
- Record student performances, celebrations, and other events (including guest speakers).
- Record student interviews (such as oral histories, documentaries, reinactments, and "mockumentaries").
- Record course content (for just-in-time, on-demand learning).
- Record spoken language for English Language Development, Language Arts, or Foreign Language.
- Record excerpts from text books, novels, or poetry for language arts.
- Record weekly announcements, assignments, or "week in review" segments (including sub plans).
- Record narrations for presentations (even PowerPoint).
- Record content for student radio stations or podcasts.
- Record instructions (or How-To's) for certain lessons.
- Record a field trip and bring it into the classroom... or more classrooms.
PhotoStory-Agenda Click here for the agenda for our two day workshop on Photostory in the classroom
PhotoStory Tutorial Find additional how-to's and video tutorials on using Photostory
Great Places to find Free Images
Great Places to find Free Audio
Digital Storytelling Resources These resources include storyboard templates and more. Here is an example of one template I found in these resourcesstoryboard_template.doc
Multimedia Project Ideas Please add to this page your best ideas to share!
Lesson Planning Tools Use this page as a guide when developing the standards and learning targets for your project. There is a downloadable PDF of the NETS and the revised Digitized Bloom's Taxonomy chart.
Common Core Standards
Troubleshooting for Headsets Use these tips to test your headsets BEFORE getting to the Narration Step!
This tutorial is short and to the point. He also walks you through the steps for downloading the program. This is a Windows only application.
Fliqz has shut down their service. To access this video,
email support with this video id: bb2bf9ed7dfc49d5811b226877d0b65f
Here are more downloadable tutorials featuring step-by-step instructions to assist you in creating your photostory project.
- photostorytutorial-1.pdf
- photostorytutorial-2.pdf
- Microsoft_Photostory_3_Tutorial.pdf
You can also use this free audio download, Audacity, to record your students voices and convert the audio file to load into Photostory.
You will also need the converter plugin to convert Audacity audio files to MP3. Click here for the plugin, LAME MP3 encoder - Allows Audacity to export MP3 files.
Free Sound Downloads Make sure you weed through to find FREE Royalty Free sounds and sound effects.
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