

Page history last edited by Leah Jensen 13 years, 6 months ago

Educators:  Please read this article, http://blog.findingdulcinea.com/2011/02/a-lost-generation-a-response-to-the-dirty-little-secrets-of-search.html.  It is our duty to prepare our students for the world we live in.




Student Friendly Websites


What to put this widget in your wiki?   Go to http://4me.sweetsearch.com/widget .

Find Sites Like Your Favorites with Similar Site Search

We all have our favorite websites and web-based services that we refer people to. Sometimes our favorite sites don't provide quite what our friends and colleagues need. In those cases, Similar Site Search can help you find websites and web-based services that are similar to your favorites. It's easy to use Similar Site Search, just enter your favorite site's url and go. I tested Similar Site Search this afternoon to find alternatives to Animoto, Memoov, and Aviary. In each case Similar Site Search worked well.


Use the links below to begin researching anything you can think of! Ask yourself a question about what you are learning in class and try and solve it in the computer lab.

  Mashpedia is a real-time encyclopedia that publishes reference pages comprised of information from the social web. Each Mashpedia page pulls information from sources like Flickr, Twitter, Wikipedia, and blogs. Recently Mashpedia added a Qwiki element to their service.

http://www.qwiki.com/  Qwiki is a multimedia encyclopedia containing more than three million entries. Qwiki publishes narrated, illustrated, interactive reference entries.


www.awesomelibrary.org/  organizes the Web with 37,000 carefully reviewed resources, including the top 5 percent in education.
http://www.sweetsearch.com/  All results are pre-approved by teachers and/or librarians
http://kidrex.org/  New kid safe search engine powered by Google
http://refseek.com/  Academic oriented searches and eliminates the advertising found on Google, Yahoo, etc.
http://www.famhoo.com/  Another option for kid-friendly searches


And here are 20 more great sites...

  1. All-around research site libraryspot.comLibrary Spot
  2. Dictionary www.dictionary.com
  3. Edutainment site—requires subscription www.brainpop.com/
  4. General info research www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.html
  5. Internet research sites for kids http://ivyjoy.com/rayne/kidssearch.html
  6. Kids search engine for the internet kids.yahoo.com National Geographic for Kids
  7. Math, reading, arcade edutainment www.funbrain.com
  8. National Geographic for kids kids.nationalgeographic.com/
  9. Nova video programs www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/programs.html
  10. Research for kids www.factmonster.com/
  11. Research—by grade level www.iknowthat.com/com/L3?Area=LabelMaps
  12. Research—chapters on subjects http://www.worldalmanacforkids.com/
  13. Videos on so many topics www.woopid.com/
  14. Research—for kids libraryspot.com/
  15. Research—history www.infoplease.com/yearbyyear.htmlWorld Almanac for Kids
  16. School Tube—learning videos from YouTube. Organized by topics http://sqooltube.com/
  17. Science headlines—audio science.nasa.gov/headlines
  18. Search the internet www.google.com
  19. Thesaurus—a great one www.thesaurus.com
  20. World Book Online (subscription required) www.worldbookonline.com/kids

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